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Privacy Policy


Privacy Policy

The purpose of this statement is to set out how we use personal information that we may obtain about you. By signing up for information provided by Comexposium or registering via this website, by using the Comexposium website generally, by post, fax, email or telephone you agree to this use.

Your Personal Information

When you request to be added to a mailing list, or register to attend a Comexposium event and use this website you will be asked to provide information that is required for the purposes set out below.

This will include information such as:

  • your name, address and other contacts details
  • profile or preferences you provide to us
  • payments details such as card details when you make payments and the related purchase information
  • information that you give us may be supplemented with information available to us from other sources such as address checking services, screening data against preference services, demographic/lifestyle databases and standard industry classification information for profiling purposes

How We Use Your Information

We will not disclose your details to third parties unrelated to Comexposium for the purposes of marketing, unless you selected a third party opt in option.

We may however use the information you give us for the following purposes:

  • to register you with our website and to administer our website services
  • to provide you with services and information that you have requested about Comexposium (e.g. information about events that you have requested)
  • for assessment and analysis (e.g. market, customer, information and product analysis) to enable us to review, develop and improve the services which we offer and to enable us to provide you with information about Exposition Development Company, Inc. which we believe will closely match your preferences
  • our events may use your information to make decisions about you using computerized technology, for example using automatically selecting services which we think will interest you from the information we have

We may keep you informed of such services (including details of shows, special offers, discounts, competitions and newsletters) by using the following methods:

  • post
  • email
  • telephone
  • mobile messaging
  • fax

If you do not wish to receive information from Comexposium please:

  • Click the unsubscribe box when receiving emails from us

We may from time to time contact you for the purposes of market research for Comexposium using the contact methods mentioned above.

We may also use your information to administer any prize draws or competitions or other promotions that you choose to enter.

We value our relationship with you and by requesting information on, or registering, you agree that we may use the contact details provided to us for our events as set out above.

Disclosure of Your Information

We may give information about you to the following (who may use it for the same purposes as set out above):

  • To our partners and third parties that collaborate with us for an event you registered for
  • Agents and third parties who fulfill any other services on Comexposium behalf (e.g. to administer payments for purchases, dispatch tickets and information etc.)
  • To other attendees (only where you are attending in a professional capacity, e.g. business related events) where it is expected that attendees will have access to a list of attendees and their organization but not the actual contact details
  • To other organizations for the administration of prize draws, competitions or promotions
  • To anyone to whom we transfer or may transfer our rights and duties with you (for example a sale of the business or the sale of a particular event)
  • If we have a duty to do so or if the law allows us to do so

In carrying out the activities specified in this privacy policy, we may transfer data to reputable companies outside the United States Economic Area. We take steps to ensure that your information will be afforded the same level of protection as that required of us under applicable U.S. data protection legislation.


"Cookies" may be used by us to provide you with, for example, customized information from our web site. A cookie is an element of data that a web site can send to your browser, which may then store it on your system. For example, cookies allow us to understand the pages and advertisements you visit, to determine how frequently particular pages are visited and to determine the most popular areas of our web site. Depending on the type of cookie we use, cookies also allow us to make our web site more user friendly, for example, permanent cookies allow us to save your password so that you do not have to re-enter it every time you visit our web site.

If you wish, you can usually adjust your browser so that your computer does not accept cookies. Alternatively, you can adjust your browser to tell you when a website tries to put a cookie on your computer. How you adjust your browser to stop it accepting cookies or to notify you of them, will depend on the type of internet browser program your computer uses. If your computer uses Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator, you will need to follow these instructions after clicking onto this link (Comexposium is not responsible for the content of external websites. This link will open a new window.) Go to the heading "Manage Cookies". Click onto the option you prefer, either stopping cookies being installed, or notifying you of them. From the list provided, click onto the program which your computer uses. If this is not shown on the list, click on the "help" heading on the bar at the top of this page, search for information on "cookies" - an explanation of how to delete cookies will appear, and then follow these instructions.

Please remember, cookies do not contain confidential information such as your home address, telephone number or credit card details. We do not exchange cookies with any third-party websites or external data suppliers.

Your browser also generates other information, including which language the site is displayed in, and your Internet Protocol address ("IP address"). An IP address is a set of numbers which is assigned to your computer during a browsing session whenever you log on to the Internet via your internet service provider or your network (if you access the Internet from, for example, a computer at work). Your IP address is automatically logged by our servers and used to collect traffic data about visitors to our web sites. We do not use your IP address to identify you personally.


We take the security of your information very seriously and we endeavor to take all reasonable steps to protect your personal information. However, we cannot guarantee the security of any data you disclose on-line. You accept the inherent security risks of providing information and dealing on-line over the Internet and will not hold us responsible for any breach of security unless this is due to our negligence or willful default.


Please be aware that our site may link to other web sites which may be accessed through our site. We are not responsible for the data policies or procedures or the content of these linked web sites.

In order to protect you, our customers and us from fraud, we may use and disclose or verify information that we obtain from making identity checks and other information in our customer records, for the purposes of fraud prevention and detection.

How can I get my name removed from a Comexposium mailing list?

Each mailing (including by email or mobile messaging) we send you will contain details of how you can unsubscribe. Please follow unsubscribe instructions.


ASP provides and hosts this website for Comexposium.